This chlorinated rubber swimming pool paint provides excellent service and protection for in-ground masonry pools. For use on bare concrete, Marcite, gunite, plaster or other masonry surfaces in good condition.
Provides a rich and colorful satin finish for interior and exterior, new and old pools.
It is self-priming over properly prepared surfaces and is suitable for fresh and saltwater pools, ponds, or fountains.
It is resistant to chlorine and common pool chemicals. Also resists algae, fungus, alkali, and seasonal weather changes.This chlorinated rubber swimming pool paint provides excellent service and protection for in-ground masonry pools. For use on bare concrete, Marcite, gunite, plaster or other masonry surfaces in good condition.
Provides a rich and colorful satin finish for interior and exterior, new and old pools.
It is self-priming over properly prepared surfaces and is suitable for fresh and saltwater pools, ponds, or fountains.
It is resistant to chlorine and common pool chemicals. Also resists algae, fungus, alkali, and seasonal weather changes.